Affordable Housing Advocate Awardees

Annually celebrating outstanding Advocates!

2011 Susan Walsh (formerly Hamilton County Community Development)
2012 Alice Skirtz
2013 Cincinnati Union Bethel
2014 Legal Aid Society
2015 Elizabeth Brown (formerly HOME)
2016 David Mann (formerly City Council)
2017 Episcopal Retirement Homes
2018 Alms Resident Association
2019 Dr. Elaine Johns Wolfe (formerly University of Cincinnati)
2020 Mary Burke Rivers (OTRCH) and Nick Swartzell (formerly CityBeat)
2021 Joy Pierson (formerly Hamilton County Community Development)

Currently accepting nominations (deadline Sept 30)

AHA Membership and ListServers:  Please nominate someone as
Affordable Housing Advocate of the Year. (2021-22)
We may have one or two awardees, if two, one would be in a direct service role, one in a structural/advocacy/policy role. 
Send your nominations to  Deadline is September 30.
Nomination must include: 

  • Person’s name, agency if any, contact info (phone/email)
  • Reason for the nomination in just a few sentences.
  • YOUR name and contact info so i can follow up with you.