AHA Members 2025
- Alexandria Barnes
- Alice Skirtz
- Alyson Gerwe
- Bonita Neumeier
- Couper Gardiner
- Elizabeth Brown
- Erica Black
- John Schrider
- Kevin Hengehold
- Michael Volmer
- Morag Adlon
- Paul Komarek
- Elisabeth Risch
- Rina Saperstein
- Samantha Miller
- Caracole
- Cincinnati Development Fund
- Community Matters
- HOME- Housing Opportunities Made Equal
- Ignite Peace
- Inclusive Housing Resources
- Independence Alliance
- LADD Inc
- League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area
- LISC Greater Cincinnati
- Lydia’s House
- Neighborhood Allies
- Over the Rhine Community Housing
- Strategies to End Homelessness
- Tender Mercies
- United Way of Greater Cincinnati
- Walnut Hills Redevelopment Foundation
AHA Board 2024-2025
- PRESIDENT: Alexandria Barnes Porter, NAHT
- VICE PRESIDENT: Rina Saperstein, Caracole
- TREASURER: Samantha Miller, Walnut Hills Redevelopment Fund
- SECRETARY: Alexandria Barnes Porter, NAHT
- Morag Adlon, Cincinnati Development Fund
- Cliff Fennell, LADD/NAACP
- Margaret A. Fox, Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati
- Dee Henry, Independence Alliance
- Mary Burke Rivers, Over-the-Rhine Community Housing
- Deborah Robb, The Port, Homesteading & Urban Redevelopment Corporation (HURC)
- Josh Spring, Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition
- Matt Strauss, Community Action Agency of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
- Elisabeth Risch, HOME: Housing Opportunities Made Equal
AHA Members 2024
- Cincinnati Development Fund
- Community Action Agency, Cincinnati Hamilton County
- Housing Opportunities Made Equal (Elisabeth Risch)
- Ignite Peace (Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center)
- Independence Alliance (formerly CILO) (Dee Henry/Rob Festenstein)
- Ladd, Inc (James Tecco/Cliff Fennell)
- Legal Aid Society of Southwest Ohio (John Schrider)
- LISC Greater Cincinnati (Kristen Baker)
- League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area (Elizabeth Brown)
- MARCC (Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati) (Peg Fox)
- Over the Rhine Community Housing
- Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority
- Strategies to End Homelessness, Inc.
- Walnut Hills Redevelopment Foundation
- Morag Adlon
- Alexandria Barnes
- Clare Zlatic Blankenmeyer
- Couper Gardiner
- Kevin Hengehold, Cincinnati Tenants Union
- Samantha Miller
- Bonita Neumeier
- Jane Phelan
- Joy Pierson
- Elisabeth Risch
- Mary Rivers
- Rina Saperstein
- Alice Skirtz
- Josh Spring
- John Schrider
- Emily Thobe
Members 2023
- Morag Adlon
- Alexandria Barnes
- Clare Blankemeyer
- Elizabeth Brown
- Caracole
- Cincinnati Development Fund
- Community Action Agency of Hamilton County
- Cornerstone Renter Equity
- Found House IHN
- Couper Gardiner
- Patricia Garry
- Alyson Gerwe
- Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition
- Jacqueline Hayden
- Kevin Hengehold
- Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati
- HOME: Housing Opportunities Made Equal Cincinnati
- Homesteading and Urban Redevelopment Corp
- Ignite Peace
- Inclusive Housing Resources
- League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area
- LISC Cincinnati
- Bonita Neumeier
- Jane Phelan
- Real Estate Investors Association of Cincinnati
- Samantha Miller
- Mary Rivers
- Rina Saperstein
- John Schrider
- Hayden Shelby
- Molly Simpson
- Alice Skirtz
- Talbert House
- Kristina Scott, United Way of Greater Cincinnati
- Michael Volmer
- Walnut Hills Redevelopment Foundation
AHA Members 2022
- Caracole
- Cornerstone Renter Equity
- Cincinnati Development Fund
- Freestore Foodbank
- Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition
- HOME Cincinnati
- Homesteading and Urban Redevelopment Corp
- League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area
- LISC: Local Initiative Support Corp
- Lydia’s House
- MARCC- Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati
- Over the Rhine Community Housing
- Tender Mercies
- Volunteers of America Ohio & Indiana
- Walnut Hills Redevelopment Foundation
- Mo Adlon
- Alex Barnes
- Elizabeth Brown
- Clare Blankemeyer
- Daulton King
- Jordan Cotleur
- Patricia Garry
- Alyson Gerwe
- Bonita Neumeier
- Nancy Mayo
- Jane Phelan
- Samantha Reeves
- Mary Burke Rivers
- Rina Saperstein
- John Schrider
- Hayden Shelby
- Alice Skirtz
- Virginia Tallent
- Michael Volmer
- Seth Walsh
AHA Members 2021
- Mo Adlon
- Alex Barnes
- Virginia Barhnart
- Clare Blankemeyer
- Elizabeth Brown
- Michael Cervay
- Jordan Cotleur
- Karin Gandler
- Patricia Garry
- Jeniece Jones
- Cecelia Kloecker
- Nancy Mayo
- Samantha Messer
- Janiah Miller
- Bonnie Neumeier
- Mary Burke Rivers
- Emily Roberts
- Rina Saperstein**
- John Schrider**
- Hayden Shelby*
- Alice Skirtz
- Heather Sturgill
- Mike Volmer
- Seth Walsh
- Marsha White
- Caracole**
- Cincinnati Development Fund
- Cincinnati Hamilton County Community Action Agency
- Cornerstone Renter Equity
- Freestore Foodbank
- Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless
- Hamilton County Community Development Dept
- Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati
- Homesteading and Urban Redevelopment Corp
- HOME (Housing Opportunities Made Equal)
- League of Women Voters of Cincinnati Area
- Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati
- LISC Cincinnati**
- Lydia’s House*
- Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati,
- OverTheRhine Community Housing
- Peaslee Neighborhood Center
- Strategies to End Homelessness
- Walnut Hills Redevelopment Foundation
AHA Members 2020
- Mo Adlon*
- Clare Blankemeyer
- Alexandra Barnes*
- Michael Cervay
- Cecilia Kloecker
- Patricia Garry*
- Noam Hurvitz- Prinz
- Dani Isaacsohn
- Cam’el Jones
- Mark Mussman
- Bonnie Neumeier
- Aurora Oluymi
- Rina Saperstein*
- John Schrider*
- Alice Skirtz*
- Marsha White*
- Bill Woods
- FUEL, Susan Angel
- AIR Inc, Bill Woods
- Caracole, Inc., Mike Volmer*
- Cincinnati Development Fund Elizabeth Vallano
- The Community Builders, Jeffrey Beam
- Cornerstone Renter Equity, Robert Maly/Alisa Berry
- Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition, Josh Spring*
- Habitat for Humanity Cincinnati, Beth Benson
- Hamilton County Office of ReEntry, Trina Jackson
- Hamilton County Department of Community Development, Joy Pierson
- HomeBase Cincinnati
- Housing Opportunities Made Equal, Jeniece Jones*
- League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area, Hope Fountain
- Local Initiatives Support Corp (LISC), Cali Khako
- Lydia’s House, Mary Ellen Mitchell
- Madisonville Community Urban Redevelopment Corp, Matt Strauss*
- Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati, Margaret Fox*
- Over-the-Rhine Community Housing, Mary Burke Rivers*
- Seven Hills Neighborhood Houses, Alexis Kidd
- Urban Sites, Tim Westrich (2020-2021)
- Volunteers of America, Roellen Sinkewich
AHA Members 2019
- Elizabeth Brown
- Clare Zlatic Blankemeyer
- Michael Cervay
- Patricia Garry
- Cindy Givens
- Noam Gross-Prinz
- Jeniece Jones
- Cecilia Kloecker
- Mark Mussman
- Bonita L Neumeier
- Mary Burke Rivers
- Marlene Romer, MK Rowhouses
- Rina Saperstein
- John Schrider
- Carol Schulte
- Alice Skirtz
- Marsha White
- Patricia Garry
- AIR Inc., Bill Woods *
- Avondale Development Corp, Russ Hairston, Mike Cervay (LISC Member)
- CAIN (Churches Active in Northside) Alan Gross
- Caracole, Inc., Mike Volmer*
- Cincinnati Development Fund, Morag Adlon*
- Cohear, Dani Isaacsohn
- The Community Builders Inc., Jeffrey Beam
- Cornerstone Renter Equity, Larry Williams
- Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio, Jonathan Crum
- Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition, Josh Spring *
- Habitat For Humanity, Beth Benson
- Hamilton County Planning and Development, Joy Pierson
- HomeBase, Denise Hamet
- HOME: Housing Opportunities Made Equal, Jeniece Jones
- Homesteading and Urban Redevelopment Corp, Deborah Robb
- Housing Network of Hamilton County, Gina Gehm
- JOVIS, Heather Sturgill
- LADD, Ranata Mattison
- League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area, Elizabeth Brown
- Legal Aid Society of Southwest Ohio, John Schrider
- LISC (Local Initiatives Support Corp)
- Lydia’s House, Mary Ellen Mitchell
- Madisonville Community Urban Redevelopment Corp, Matt Strauss (LISC Member)
- MARCC-Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition, Margaret Fox
- The Neighborhood House (Seven Hills Neighborhood Houses), Alexis Kidd* (LISC Member)
- Neighborhood Allies, Noel Beyer
- Price Hill Will, Jay Kratz (LISC Member)
- Strategies To End Homelessness, Kevin Finn
- St. Joseph Orphanage,
- Walnut Hills Redevelopment Foundation, Samantha Reeves (LISC Member)
- The Model Group, Inc., David Thompson